Month: January 2022

Happy Sesquicentennial, Julia!

Julia Morgan was born 150 years ago, on January 20, 1872. At that time, her future seemed certain: marriage, then motherhood, then the genteel pursuits. . .

A Walled Medieval City

In the summer of 1898, Julia and Sara Whitney (a friend from Oakland who was Julia’s roommate that year), traveled by train to Provins, sixty miles. . .

The Convent of Cordelières

When Julia and her roommate, Sara Whitney, visited Provins in 1898, they had trouble finding accommodations. They decided to try the city’s convent. . .

A Booming Market Town

Provins was one of six towns where the ruling Counts of Champagne held their annual cycle of trade markets in the 12th and 13th centuries.  Known. . .

Exploring the Crypt

On her trip to Provins in the summer of 1898, Julia admired the crypt of the 13th-century Grange aux Dîmes, which she described to her cousins. . .

Exploring Paris by Double-Decker Omnibus

A few childhood friends visited Julia in Paris, providing her with a welcome opportunity to explore the city. On one. . .

A Visit to Père LaChaise

To prepare for the École’s arduous entrance exams, Julia joined the atelier of architect Marcel de Monclos soon after arriving in Paris. Though two. . .

Parisian Summer of 1896

During Julia’s first summer in Paris, she visited its Salon of 1896. This annual art exhibition—held from 1855-1897 at the Palais de l’Industrie, a large pavilion. . .

Catalogue for the Paris Salon

The Paris Salon of 1896 included thousands of paintings, which filled every inch of the exhibition rooms’ walls from floor to ceiling. Julia wrote. . .

Touring a Medieval Castle

While traveling through Switzerland by train in 1896, Julia and her three companions visited the Château de Chillon, a medieval castle on the eastern end. . .