Happy Sesquicentennial, Julia!

[Photo Credit: Julia Morgan Papers, Special Collections and Archives, California Polytechnic State University.]

Julia Morgan was born 150 years ago, on January 20, 1872. At that time, her future seemed certain: marriage, then motherhood, then the genteel pursuits of a society matron. Instead Julia courageously forged her own path, becoming the first renowned female architect in history. Many of her 700 structures survive. They continue to be strong, useful, and beautiful buildings that honor and delight all who enter them. It is an impressive legacy, as the American Institute of Architects acknowledged in 2014 by choosing Julia as the first female recipient of their prestigious Gold Medal.
I am excited to reveal her inspiring story in Julia Morgan: An Intimate Biography of the Trailblazing Architect, which Chronicle Books will launch on March 1, 2022. Happy Birthday, Julia! Here’s a toast to your last 150 years–and to the next 150, as well.