[Photo Credit: Music sheet for Sweet Marie, words by Cy Warman, music by Raymon Moore, published by W. Paxton, ca. 1893, Gabrielle Enthoven Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum Archives]
In June 1895, Julia’s sister Emma and several friends stayed in the Santa Cruz mountains, with Eliza Morgan as their chaperone. Julia remained in Oakland, but Eliza kept her apprised: “The houses are those unpainted weather-beaten board ‘Cabins’ we see all through the woods. . . . It is real camping – but . . . better than tents, and the girls are very happy – They are now singing Sweet Marie.” This 1891 hit by composer Raymon Moore and lyricist Cy Warman was among the first commercial songs ever recorded.
[Julia Morgan Papers, Special Collections, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1-C-04-04.]
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