Month: June 2021

A Medieval Museum

Julia arrived in Paris in June of 1896, and soon decided that the Musée de Cluny was one of her favorite places. This elaborate compound was constructed in the 15th century to serve as the town house. . .

Sketching at Cluny

Julia was always particularly fond of children. In Paris she enjoyed observing them when she visited various picturesque sites around the city, including the 5th arrondissement’s Musée de Cluny. . .

A World’s Fair in Paris

Julia and her younger brother Avery were in Paris during the Exposition Universelle of 1900, the spectacular world’s fair located on both sides of the Seine. Covering more than 530 acres. . .

The Most Ornate Bridge in Paris

The bridge known as the Pont Alexandre III was one of the 1900 Exposition’s technological wonders. Constructed of. . .